La fuse Maurice Richard

pensé que le film était. Quelques 
scènes étaient violent et certains étaient passionnant. J’ai pensé que le
film était un drame et action. Le film commencé comme Maurice jouer ordinaire
hockey. puis il essaie de Montréal et il rend. Il il est le meilleur de son
equip,  il marque beaucoup de buts.
 Maurice est appelé la fuse parce
qu'il est rapide. Quelques  scènes
étaien ennuyeux et lentement. autres scènes étaient passionnant et drôle. Le
film était vraiment bien.  Je
donnerais le film 6.5 sur 10. la bande sonore était bon et le jeu était bon. la
vedette est roy depuis et le second role dick Irvin. les acteurs et actrice ont
été bien exprimés. le métrage est 124 procès-verbal. le montage était bon et et
qu'il était donc la le maquilleur.

Maurice Richard
He had a hearty meal off in the distance when this picture was taken.

~ He died in the year 2000 from cancer

~ After playing hockey for 15 years he retired as a player and became Montreal Canadians Vice president

~ Scored 5 goals in one game against Toronto Maple Leafs

~ He played one season with his brother Henri Richard

~ Toe blake was his hero growing up

~ His nickname was “The Rocket”

~ He played for Montreal Canadiens

~ The New York Rangers were willing to pay a fair sum of coin to have him on their team

~ His number originally was 15 but then he changed it to 9 because his daughter weighed 9 pounds at birth

~ Born on august 4th 1921

~ Born and raised and died in Montreal

~ He played right wing

~ Became the first NHL player to score 50 goals in a regular season

~ Joseph Henri Maurice Richard, was his full name

~ He was a hockey player

~ He played in the NHL

~ He was married to Lucille Richard

~ Played for Montreal Canadiens from 1942-1960

~ He was 79 when he died

~ Married when he was 21

~ Go on Wiki

~ He was the first to get 500 goals in a carrier

~ He got 421 assists for a total of 965 points in 978 games

~ He retired as the NHL’s all time leading scorer

~ He won the Stanley Cup 8 times in montreal

~ He was elected eight times to the first all-star team and six times to the second all-star team

~ He was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1961, the customary three-year waiting period being waived in his honour.

~ He was 5” 10
 French Verb

  1. Conjugated- a     conjugated verb is one that has been changed
    to fit a noun or pronoun.     Regarde 
    = Je regarde   

  2. Infinitive verb-      the base verb that has not been
    conjugated. Etre, avoir…

  3. 3 verb forms-      the three verbs forms are er, ir, re.        aller, avoir, etre 

  4. Subject
    pronouns-     the subject is a personal pronoun that is used as the subject of a
    verb. Je
    verbs, tu, il, elle…

  5. Present tense-      is used to describe an event or situation in
    present time. 

  6. Present tense     er verbs- a present tense verb that ends in
    er.  parler

  7. Present tense     ir – a present tense verb that ends in ir.

  8. Present tense     re verbs- a present tense verb that ends in
    re. repondre

Avoir- to have

J’ai- i have                  
nous avons- we have
Tu as- you have            
 vous avez- you have
Il/elle/on a- he/she has   
ils/ells ont-they have  

Campbell a un ipod.
Les eleves ont ordinateurs portables. 
(campbell has an ipod)
(the students have laptops)

Etre- to be

je suis- I am         
nous sommes- we are
Tu es- you are            
vous etes- you are
Il/elle est- he/she is         
ils/ells sont- they are 

Ty es bonne au lacrosse.
Claremonte sont bonne au lacrosse. 
( Ty is good at lacrosse) 
(claremonte is good at lacrosse)

Aller- to go 

Je vais- im go     
nous allons- we go
Tu vas- you go    
vous allez- you go
Il/elle va- he/she goes    
ils/elles vont- they go 

 elise vas une centre commercial.
Les eleves vont une centre commercial 
 (elise goes to the mall) 
(the students go to the mall)

   Faire- to do 

Je fais- i do        
nous faisons- we do
 Tu fais- you do     
vous faites- you do
 Il/elle on fait- he/she does    
ils/elles font- they do 

Ty fais il devoirs. 
L’equipe font leur course. 
 (ty does his homework) 
(the team does their run)

 Vouloir- to want 

Je veux- i want    
nous voulouns- we want
Tu veux- you want    
voulez- you want 
Il/elle veut- he/she want   
ils/elles veulent- they want  
Campbell veux et ps4. 
L’equpie veulent nouvel équipement. 
 (campbell wants a ps4)  
(the team wants new gear)


Pouvoir- to be able to  
Je peux- i can     
nous pouvons- we can
Tu peux- you can    
vous pouve- you can
 Il/elle peut- he/she can   
ils/elles peuvent- they can

Campbell peux marcher.    
Les eleves peuvent faire des mathématiques.
(campbell can walk)   
(the students can do math)

 Mettre- to put 

Je mets- i put   
 nous mettons- we put
Tu mets- you put       
 vous mettez- you put
Il/elle met- he/she puts      
ils/elles mettent- they put  

Campbell mets l’ecarte. 
Les eleves mettent les ordinateurs portables loin. 
(campbell put it away) 
(the student put the laptops away) 

Voir- to see  
Je vois- i see    
nous voyons- we see 
Tu vois- you see   
 vous voyez- you see
Il/elle voit- he/she sees   
ils/elles volent- they see

Matt vois un avion.
 L’equipe volent un train. 

(matt sees an airplane) 
(the team sees a train)

Croire- to believe
Je crois- i believe     
 nous croyons- we believe
Tu crois- you believe   
vous croyez- you believe
Il/elle croit- he/she believes  
ils/ells croyent- they believe

Presley crois en elle-meme
L’equipe croyent en eux-meme 
(Presley believes in herself)
(The team believes in themselves)


Le film était un la comedie et famille.

J’ai adore le film.

Quelques  scènes étaient passionnant et drole.

Je donnerais le film 9.5 sur 10.

J’ai bien aimé le film, Il y avait beaucoup d’action.

Le film était au sujet deun rat.

un acteur est lou romano

le film est Disney.

Le metrage est 111 min.

J’ai pensé que le film était fantastique
at the famous designers
Home of the designers:

The names of the great French designers are Yves Saint-Laurent, Dior Cardin, Givenchy, Coco Chanel they are famous worldwide. You can see the elegant shops of the great designers on Montaigne Avenue or  on Faubourg-Saint-Honoré road. This is where wealthy people buy their clothes and accessories.
The small shops and department stores:

  But the majority of people in Paris do not shop at the big designers. Everywhere in Paris, there are small shops that are much cheaper than the shops of the major designers. There are also department stores. In Paris, the department stores Galleries Lafayette and printemps are the most famous. There are also chain stores, like prisunic. In the big department stores, you can go from one department to another. There are often discounted items and twice a year there are balances in early January to early July.   6/8

The flea markets:

Teenagers love to go to the market. They hang out there on the weekend because it is closed during the week. Flea markets are great markets you can find everything like clothes, food, tables, chairs, etc. You can find clothing or accessories with a label of a fashion for very cheap... Or very expensive!


i think i could improve by getting it done faster. i think it would take less time on the computer then on the papers. i found that the translation was difficult in some parts though.